Unlock the full potential of Outleap’s feedback: Student guide 

Eager to craft an exceptional UCAS personal statement that sets you apart from the competition? Outleap’s feedback service is here to help! We offer personalised, in-depth, and timely feedback to assist you in creating a statement that showcases your unique strengths and impresses university admissions officers. To get the most out of this valuable resource, it’s crucial to follow best practices when submitting drafts and incorporating the feedback you receive. In this blog post, we share tips to ensure you can maximise your success with Outleap’s feedback service. 

Tip 1: Master the course material before diving in 

Before submitting your first draft for feedback, make sure you’ve thoroughly studied Outleap’s course material – working through all the lessons and topics on Outleap’s ‘Unleash Your Potential: The UCAS Personal Statement Unpacked’ course. By immersing yourself in the content, you’ll build a solid foundation for your personal statement, making the feedback process even more impactful. 

Tip 2: Take time to understand and reflect on the feedback 

When you receive feedback from Outleap, don’t just skim through it. Dedicate time to reading and comprehending each suggestion. Reflect on how these recommendations can elevate your personal statement, and resist the temptation to rush through revisions and submit your first (or next) draft without fully implementing any feedback we’ve provided. 

Tip 3: Evaluate your statement’s strengths and weaknesses 

After reviewing the feedback, identify the overarching themes and areas that need improvement. Gaining this deeper understanding will guide you as you revise your personal statement and implement the feedback, enabling you to make meaningful progress with each draft. 

Tip 4: Reach out for help when needed 

If you’re struggling with a particular aspect of your personal statement, don’t hesitate to seek help. Consult your teachers or tutors, if available, or reach out to friends and family members for their insights. You can also explore Outleap’s resources to find additional guidance. We’re here to support you on your journey to crafting an exceptional personal statement. 

Tip 5: Allow time for reflection and revision 

Resist the urge to submit multiple drafts in rapid succession. Instead, give yourself time to reflect on the feedback, make revisions, and review your updated personal statement. This approach will ensure you make significant progress with each draft, helping you get the most from Outleap’s feedback service. 

Tip 6: Embrace feedback with an open mind 

Remember, feedback is designed to help you create an outstanding personal statement. Approach the process with an open mind and be ready to make changes as needed. This positive attitude will enable you to grow and refine your writing, ultimately resulting in a personal statement that truly shines.  

By following these expert, interdisciplinary tips tailored for Key Stage 5 students, you’ll be well on your way to maximising your success with Outleap’s feedback service. Investing the time and effort required to engage with the feedback and make meaningful improvements will result in a personal statement that not only impresses university admissions officers but also boosts your chances of success in the competitive UCAS application process. So go ahead, embrace the feedback, and let your personal statement shine! 

Stay curious and open-minded as you navigate the world of university applications and personal statements. Embrace the learning process and remember that feedback is an essential component of growth and improvement. We’d love to hear your thoughts and questions, so feel free to reach out and share your experiences as you progress on your journey to crafting an exceptional personal statement. With Outleap by your side, you’re well-equipped to soar to new heights!